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First off, I really like the pixel art style! I think it adds the quirk needed for a funny story like this! The background is also really funny especially after when I committed arson. It's almost like its taunting me while I play the story.

In terms of the choices, I think the dialogue choice is really clever and funny. I like how you played into the "burn the house down" comment that's popular when you find a bug in your house. There is a great variety in different choices I could've taken that is absurd to pretty grounded in logic, which I enjoyed playing through all of them. I went from being arrested for arson to killing the bug with bug spray. I like the different routes a lot and enjoyed the comedy.

I didn't find any issues with the game technical-wise and really enjoyed my experience. Great work!!

hi Monica, I really love the pixel art style! I hate bugs, but pixels make the whole theme cute, haha.

I really enjoyed the confirmed part, like really think about it, but I went to jail finally. 

I really wanted to play again but i couldn't restart it. If it can be refreshed or restarted, it will be more fun to explore.

The art style is very cute lol. I like the concept of killing bugs and enjoy getting immediate feedbacks a lot, super relaxing and satisfying. The only thing is it's a little bit hard to get back to the previous step to try another option.

This game is a masterpiece. I really liked the humor all around the game and just how different each major path could be! The map to the bug hole was a little repetitive for me and i was a little confused on how to navigate.

I also think the 8bit style of the whole game is fitting greatly with the theme! All the pixel art are spot on! 

Sometimes the perspective of action in the choice section switch from first person to other character's action, which could be a little bit confusing.

But that does not matter, i just love how outlandish the choices we can make and how surprising reasonable the consequences are.

woooaaahh this is so cool. I didnt even know you could style the front page like this. At first I thought you had to kill the bug so I kept killing it.. Until the lore started. Love the story, love the silliness. Great job!
